Time To Get Back On Track!

There is a bumper programme of Covid-safe, road haulage industry events planned through the remainder of 2021 ensuring you can re-introduce socialising and networking into your schedule, writes Gordon Roberts. WITH PLANS to lift coronavirus restrictions issued by the UK and devolved governments, the remainder of 2021 looks set to be action packed.
Among the foremost, on Friday 3 December, the Transport News Scottish Rewards takes place at Glasgow’s Crowne Plaza Hotel. It is the 27th annual champagne breakfast event, and it will honour individuals and companies working in Scotland. Nominations entries are open until 6th October and can be made online at transportnews.co.uk, or turn to pages 12/13.
Before that prestigious award ceremony is the Tip-ex/Tank-ex show in Harrogate, which will now run from Thursday 30 September until Saturday 2nd October.

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