Diabetes, The Hidden Risk

One in 12 people have a type of diabetes, and many more go undiagnosed. Kate Walker, the CEO of the Diabetes Safety Organisation, explains why the haulage industry needs to be aware of the hidden risk.

A STAGGERING third of people in the UK are either living with diabetes, have pre-diabetes, or are at increased risk of diabetes. Each week, there are 170 amputations and 500 people sadly lose their life from this silent condition.
Diabetes also poses increased risks in the workplace. Yet, it is a condition very few companies have considered as a risk across all aspects of the business from safety and compliance to productivity and wellbeing. The impact of ignoring this rising epidemic is costly, to individual lives, their families, companies, the NHS and UK productivity.
Each day 700 people are diagnosed with diabetes (one every two minutes), it is the leading cause of blindness in the working population and 75% of men who have diabetes, suffer from erectile dysfunction at some point.

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