Earned Recognition expands into concrete and quarry transport

The DVSA’s compliance scheme that rewards operators who share their performance data to demonstrate they are meeting regulatory requirements has been expanded into the concrete and quarry industry.

The British Aggregates Association (BAA) worked with the enforcement agency to produce an Earned Recognition (ER) module requiring operators to have the highest standards in policies and processes. Being an ER member means you are less likely to have your vehicles stopped at the roadside for inspections and less likely to have DVSA enforcement staff visit your premises.

DVSA’s director of enforcement, Marian Kitson, said: “We are committed to growing the DVSA Earned Recognition scheme. Businesses want assurances that their contractors are committed to road safety. Both DVSA and the BAA share the belief that those that are deserve to reap the reputational and commercial rewards.”

Mark Cowan, director of transport logistics and concrete at the BAA, said: “Partnering with the ER team to develop the concrete operational module enabled us to develop a safety standard that can be adopted across our sector.”

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