Scottish Transaid Dinner 2024

The road transport industry in Scotland has confirmed plans for a second Scottish Transaid Dinner, taking place on the evening of 12 September 2024 at the Macdonald Inchyra Hotel & Spa, near Grangemouth.

It follows the inaugural dinner in September 2022 which was attended by more than 200 and raised over £100,000, marking the largest sum of money ever collected for Transaid on a single night, through ticket sales, sponsorships and a charity auction.

Entertainment already confirmed for the evening includes award-winning Scottish comedian Ray Bradshaw – who will be performing a daily show at this year’s Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

Tickets for the dinner are priced at £100 per person, with tables of 10 available. Ticket sales and sponsorship enquiries should be directed to [email protected].

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