Fuel Duty Cut Retained

IN RESPONSE to the Spring Budget, Logistics UK is delighted that the 5ppl fuel duty cut is to be retained for a further 12 months.
However, the RHA said that the Budget could have gone much further to support hauliers.
“We are disappointed to see the increase in corporation tax from 1 April as well as the return of the HGV levy from August this year. This is a tax targeted at the road freight industry that economic growth in the UK relies upon,” stressed an RHA spokesman.
“We are also concerned that the focus of the HGV levy has been shifted towards CO2 emissions. The original intention of the levy was to ensure overseas operators contributed to the upkeep of the UK road infrastructure.
“The first year capital allowance for investment in plant and machinery is welcome and we support the measures on encouraging the over 50s back to work through additional skills bootcamps and Returnerships. As the average age of an HGV driver is 52, we already know the benefits they bring to the workforce.”

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