Volvo Reveals Hydrogen ICE Truck Plans

Volvo has followed MAN in announcing it will introduce trucks powered by internal combustion engines running on green hydrogen, writes Lizzie Hughes.

With the changes to the EU carbon reduction regulations permitting hydrogen-combustion vehicles, these trucks are expected to play a crucial role in reducing carbon emissions, particularly over long distances and in regions where charging infrastructure for electric vehicles is limited.

Volvo plans to begin customer tests of Hydrogen combustion engine trucks in 2026, with a commercial launch targeted for the end of the decade. Currently, lab and vehicle testing are already underway.

These hydrogen trucks will complement Volvo’s existing range of alternatives, which includes battery electric, Fuel Cell, and trucks powered by renewable fuels such as biogas and Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO).

“Trucks with traditional internal combustion engines running on hydrogen will maintain the performance and reliability of our diesel trucks while offering the potential for Net Zero co2 emissions well-to-wheel,” said Jan Hjelmgren, Head of Product Management and Quality at Volvo Trucks

They will be a valuable addition to our battery electric trucks, which have been available for several years.”

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