Transport managers of companies committed to delivering goods and services into Scotland’s city centres need to know the full extent of LEZ. All will be revealed at Scotland’s Clean Air Roadshow.
READERS who are becoming increasingly concerned over Scotland’s forthcoming city centre Low Emissions Zone (LEZ) restrictions and penalties, can hear the latest thinking from Transport Scotland and Glasgow City Council at the Scottish Clean Air Roadshow held at Hampden Park on Tuesday 26 March from 10.00am to 2,00pm.
There is no charge and there’s a free buffet lunch when touring an exhibition, but pre-registration is required. Go to www.transportnews.co.uk and hit the Clean Air Roadshow button to register.
A host of solutions to LEZ will be presented in Scotland’s national stadium and ‘alternative fuel’ trucks and panel vans will feature in an outside display. Information sessions include, accessibility to acquire or lease new Euro 6 trucks and vans, possible retrofit options on current delivery vehicles, moving to LNG and CNG fuels, as well as switching to electric vehicles.
A joint promotion between industry publications Transport News and Motor Transport, the four hour event encompasses a series of presentations followed by work groups where delegates can take part in informal sessions which also include the opportunity to view the trucks and vans on display as part of the programme.